5 Ways to Increase your Organic Traffic

Running a business and yet you are struggling to get appropriate traffic on your website? Then you need to read the following content. 

Here the challenge is between you and your competitor, how to stand out in the crowd and get an appropriate target audience is the only question that arises in people’s minds.

So here are 5 tactics to increase your organic traffic easily.

5 Ways To Increase Your Organic Traffic

Optimize Non – performing content

We all want our website to rank on SERPs, but do you know that content that isn’t performing well can create a barrier for the same?

Therefore, it is not necessary that you have to stuff each and everything on your website, you also need to understand that content that is not performing well is just pulling your website down on SERPs. 

This happens because the non-performing content takes up the crawl budget and here search engines decide how many and which pages of a website should crawl and which of them are limited.

So if your website has a lot of non-performing content then the search engines may abandon the website.

First, you need to identify the content that is performing great on your website in terms of back-links, keyword ranking & conversion ratio.

The process of fixing non-performing content is called “Content Audit”.

Conduct an audit every few months to optimize organic traffic performance and ensure your site isn’t weighed down by non-performing content.


Blogging is one of the better ways to add content to your website and talk about trending topics.

This is the most efficient way to increase your organic traffic and create a large helpful catalog that will be relevant to your marketing funnel and your B2B Marketing strategy.

The most important thing for blogging is keywords, if you don’t have appropriate keywords or if you don’t do keyword research then it is difficult for your blog to rank on SERPs.

Unless and until you are not aware of trending keywords, you can rank your blogs.

Categorize the keywords as per search volume and highly targeted keywords, this will make your content user-centric.

Increase click-through rate

Improving your CTR (Click through Ratio) is low effort option to drive huge traffic.

CTR helps your website in two ways, one is to take away your viewers from the competitor’s website and attract them to yours. This will impact search engines and give positive feedback.

You need to identify which content on your website has low CTR volume by using the Google search console.

Download the excel and organize it by CTR.

Once you identify them make the meta titles more attractive and SEO friendly. The meta description should include a clear call to action or exact keywords.

Use the Long tail keywords

This might sound strange but Long-tail keywords work as a magical wand. Using these keywords in your blog will help you to rank high on SERPs.

Now the question arises, HOW?

Basically, everyone targets short-tail keywords, therefore, it is difficult to rank with their help, so targeting long-tail keyword are the one that is not used by everyone.

They are more specific and ranking with their help of them is very easy.

Once a decent content catalog is created you can link to it in blogs and on your website, guiding visitors to more relevant content.

This will make your visitors stay longer on your website and then the bounce rate will reduce.

This will increase the authenticity of the website and will boost your search rankings.

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Samidha Narkar