How Does a Search Engine Rank Web Pages?

Earlier ranking your web pages was a simple task to do, but nowadays it requires much effort.

It may seem that ranking a website is easy, but when it comes to deployment it takes immense research and effort.

Daily google is coming up with some other new updates that increase the difficulty level of ranking your websites on SERPs organically.

To rank your website on SERP you need to understand the process of ranking on search engines.

Here in this article, let us understand how the search engine works and how does it rank web pages?

Before that let us have a glimpse of SERPs.

What are SERPs?

As we have used this term earlier, SERPs, but what are these SERPs?

SERPs are nothing but Search Engine Ranking Pages. Search Engine Results Pages are Google’s response to a user’s search query. SERPs tend to include organic search results, paid Google Ads results, Featured Snippets, Knowledge Graphs, and video results.

SERPs are the one that determines how your site appears on Google’s first page.

Now let us understand how a Search engine ranks web pages.

How a Search engine ranks web pages

There are 3 major steps that take place and they are crawling, indexing and ranking.

  • Crawling

Scour the Internet for content, looking over the code/content for each URL they find.

  • Indexing

Store and organize the content found during the crawling process. Once a page is in the index, it’s in the running to be displayed as a result of relevant queries.

  • Ranking

Provide the pieces of content that will best answer a searcher’s query, which means that results are ordered from most relevant to least relevant.

How do search engines build their index?

Well-known web search tools like Google and Bing have a few pages in their hunt lists. So prior to discussing the positioning calculations, we should penetrate further into the instruments used to fabricate and keep a web record. 

  1. URLs
  2. Crawling
  3. Processing & Rendering
  4. Indexing 

Stage 1. URLs 

Everything starts with a known rundown of URLs. Google finds these through different cycles, however, the three most normal ones are: 

  • From backlinks 

Google as of now has a list containing trillions of site pages. On the off chance that somebody adds a connection to one of your pages from one of those pages, they can discover it from that point. 

  • From URL entries 

Google additionally permits entries of individual URLs through Google Search Console. 

Stage 2. Crawling

Creeping is the place where a PC bot called an insect (e.g., Googlebot) visits and downloads the found pages. 

Note that Google doesn’t generally slither pages in the request they find them. 

Google lines URLs for slithering are dependent on a couple of elements, including: 

  1. How frequently the URL changes 
  2. Regardless of whether it’s new 
  3. The PageRank of the URL 

This is significant on the grounds that it implies that web search tools may creep and record a portion of your pages before others. In the event that you have a huge site, it could take some time for web search tools to completely slither it. 

Stage 3. Processing and Rendering 

Preparing is the place where Google attempts to comprehend and separate key data from slithered pages. No one outside of Google knows everything about this cycle, yet the significant parts of our agreement are extricating joins and putting away substance for ordering. 

Google needs to deliver pages to completely handle them, which is the place where Google runs the page’s code to see what it looks like for clients. 

Stage 4. Indexing

Ordering is the place where handled data from slithered pages is added to a major information base called the inquiry record. This is basically a computerized library of trillions of site pages where Google’s indexed lists come from.

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Samidha Narkar